Scissor Steel & Materials Guide | USA Scissor Steel Types

The main difference between USA between a professional hairdresser and barber is in how they are able to use their equipment, as well as how effectively they cut hair.

What is the best type of steel for scissors? What can I do to decide if it's worth my money?

These are some of the most commonly asked inquiries people make. They appear to be easy questions. However, the fact is quite the opposite. When it comes to purchasing an excellent pair of barber shears or hairdressing scissors it is the most difficult part.

What type of steel is my shears made of? What is the main difference between good and low-quality hairdressing scissors?

The distinction in scissor steel type help to determine:

  • The sharpness of the blades
  • How easily you can make them sharper?
  • Resistance to corrosion
  • The weight of the scissor
  • The fragile and brittle nature of the blades
  • For how many years it would be

With this in mind it's easy to comprehend why $300 is a superior price for hairdressing scissors than $99. When you are operating on hair every day, it's important to invest in the top tools. This means it lasts for a long duration and performs with precision.

Understanding the different types of scissor steel

Finding the perfect pair of scissors for hair cutting is no easy task. That's because different models and brands use several kinds of steel. So, what is the best steel type most well for barber shears as well as hairdressing scissors?

The grade of scissor-steel will be measured by the Rockwell hardness Rating, or HRC/HR. This rating is focused on the overall hardness and strength of the scissor blades. You will get superior quality with the most durable scissor blades.

Steel is made from stainless to make haircutting scissors. The Rockwell Hardness Scale is used to assess the quality of steel. Here's a list of what you can anticipate from both high and low-quality cutting scissors for haircuts in Australia.

Hardness Quality Estimated Price
50-55 HRC 50 to 55 Soft cutting blade of poor quality. From $50 to $199
55-57 HRC Blades for hairdressing entry-level From $99 up to $299
57-59 HRC Blades for scissors of mid-level. It is easy to sharpen, rust-resistant and more durable Between $149 and $400
between 58 and 60 HRC Middle to high quality scissor cutting from $249 to $800
60-62 HRC Blades of high-quality for cutting hair. High-end scissors come with this feature. This feature is simple to use, rust-resistant, tougher and sharper edge. Between $299 and $1000
60 to 63 HRC The top quality hair cutting blade. They are only available to only the top hair cutting scissors. $700 to $1500

Therefore, much depends on the HRC factor. With higher HRC, you'll get a more durable material, more shapely blade, more resistant to corrosion, and the list goes on.

If you are trying to decide between low and high quality hair cutting scissors you need to look beyond HRC. Quality and standards for manufacturing are also important factors in the efficiency of a scissor.

Let's start by looking at the top steel names so that we get a better understanding of the steel names.

The quality of stainless steel and craftsmanship determines the difference in the cutting quality of scissors.

The distinction between expensive and cheap materials to make hair scissors means a difference in price.

We will then discuss the best hair material scissors. Also, you will learn about the high-quality steel used in cutting shears for haircutting.

The best stainless steel for haircutting scissors

All kinds of hair scissors are made of stainless steel. Japan creates the best hair scissors made of stainless steel.

The Japanese steel offers certain advantages when used on scissors. The Japanese steel is razor-sharp and balanced for excellent ergonomics. It also requires less sharpening.

The best Japanese steel to cut hair is ATS314 The best Japanese steel for hair scissors is VG1, VG1, and 440C.

Better metal means better blades

Japanese hair scissors make use of convex edge blades. It requires high-quality, hardened steel. This ensures that the sharp edge of the blade remains for a long time. You also require less sharpening as a result of the hardened steel.

Better metal means better ergonomics

The best quality steel is light in weight. It is, therefore, has very little stress on your shoulder the elbow, wrist and fingers while cutting hair.

A longer lifespan for a scissor will mean higher quality metal

Premium Japanese steel means the hair scissors are more resistant to corrosion. Japanese steel is able to be used for as long as twenty years or more when they are properly maintained.

Where can you purchase the most effective hair scissor iron?

You can find the top quality hair scissors with the following steel.

  • Japanese steel - They boast the highest quality steel in the world.
  • German steel - Highest quality of a European country
  • Korean steel - the best in Asia
  • Chinese steel - Great quality
  • Taiwanese Steel - High Quality

Pakistan, India, and Vietnam are the producers of the lowest quality steel. Hair scissors made from these countries have sharp edges. They need to be sharpened often before they are damaged.

Top 10 hair steels for scissors

It isn't easy to select the ideal barber shears because of the many types of metals. This is a list of the top 10 varieties of hair scissor steel , arranged by worst to best.

Steel Rankings Name Description
1 ATS314 (ATS-314). Premium Japanese steel containing Vanadium and Titanium in huge quantities
2 VG10 Gold (VG-10) Japanese steel with premium levels of Vanadium and Titanium. Perfect for cutting knives and scissors
3 V10 (V-10) Intense levels of Vanadium and Titanium that gives additional strength to the hair scissor blades
4 V1 (V-1) For sharper edges on scissor blades, entry-level Vanadium and Titanium are recommended.
5 S3 (S-3) The highest levels of Supreme Cobalt for sharp cutting edges
6 S1 (S-1). Entry-level Cobalt for hardened hair cutting edges
7 440C High-end hair scissors made of Japanese steel that has been hardened.
8 440A Normal cutting blades made from regular steel
9 420 A stainless steel at a low price to be used for knives and cutting
10 410 Sub-standard steel not suitable for professional hair scissors.

The hair scissors are more durable and more durable than the ones composed of titanium and vanadium. Additionally, they create a lighter weight to allow you to easily cut through.

Cobalt steel is durable and lightweight. The blade is sharp and lasts for a the longest time. This means that you don't need to sharpen it often.

Top 15 hairdressing scissors for steel

The following rankings for the best steel are based on the performance, best value, and quality. The finest scissor steel is available. However, we've listed the following according to everyone's budget.

This is the finest quality steel for your hair scissors as recommended by barbers and hairstylists from all over the world.

1. 64 HRC V1

The V1 steel variant is undoubtedly one of the premium quality steel. Many hairdressers and barbers use this kind of steel. V1 steel is the next-generation of V10. This steel provides the scissor an improved durability, resistance to cracks and stronger blades.

Scissors that use the V1 steel quality provides top quality. Additionally, it comes with a significant cost.

2. 62-63 HRC: ATS314 (ATS-314)

The ATS314 steel is made by Hitachi Metals Corporation in Japan. The top barber shears and hairdressing scissors use this kind of steel. There are many brands that talk about the ATS314-steel that they use in their hair scissors. A few companies use the steel from Hitachi.

This form of steel is a high-quality scissor blade. It is extremely tough. That way, the blades remain sharper for longer. It is capable of handling the convex or clam-shaped edges of blades.

3. 60 HRC 3.60 HRC: VG10 (VG-10)

VG10 or V Gold 10, is another high-quality Japanese steel that is commonly used in hairdressing scissors. Takefu Special Steel is the manufacturer. The high-quality steel can be used for hair cutting. The steel is resistant to corrosion and resists abrasion.

The VG10 cutting scissors have sharper blades, such as an angled, beveled or convex edges.

The VG10 steel variant is light and sharp. It is used only by premium quality scissors. But it's not restricted to Japan. Because Japanese metal companies are famous for their exports internationally,

4. 60-62 HRC 10CR

Are you seeking an upgrade from 440C? If so, the 10CR steel is good for professional use. It's identical to Hitachi's VG10 or Takefu. Its steel quality gives you the best sharpness and precision for your cutting scissors.

The features include sharpness retention in the blades, toughness wear and corrosion resistance, and prices. This is a top-quality steel that is suitable for cutting and barbering. The price tag is lower than $1000.

5. The range of 58-60 HRC is 440C

You can find the model 440C on popular brands such as Yasaka. It offers all-round performance with regards to hardness and resistance.

Additionally, you do not need to pay thousands of dollars to purchase the kind of steel blades. These blades are sharp with a convex edge. It is professional hairdresser and barber scissor.

6. From 59 to 62 HRC 8CR

Another excellent quality steel is that is used to manufacture high-quality barber and cutting scissors. It works in the same manner as Hitachi's 405C and creates every scissor as a professional tool.

With good edge retention, it will keep the shears of hair sharper for many years. To add extra durability, steel is impervious to wear and corrosion. The scissors made of this steel satisfy all hair stylist's needs.

7. Between 57 and 60 HRC 7CR

The 7CR is described as the tougher variant of 4CR. It is extremely durable and can stand up to wear and corrosion. It also can be sharpened easily.

This kind of steel is good for hair scissors that are mid-range. This means it gives excellent results to professionals and home hairdressers, and even apprentices.

8. 56-58 HRC:420

The 420 type of steel is a little more soft than Japan's 440C. It's ideal for hair scissors that are mid-level. It is also inexpensive. It is still a great option for professionals.

9. 55 to 58 HRC for Stainless Alloy Steel

Any type of steel employed in the production of hair scissors is stainless steel. In simple terms, it's an unspecific term that doesn't give enough details about the hair scissor quality you are buying.

In Australia, you can find stainless steel items from several brands ranging from 55 to 58 HRC. They are able to produce excellent results. Furthermore, you can buy them for of between $99 and $200 which is a lot cheaper.

10. 10.

Rare and unique steel from Japan's Yasuki Silver. The S3 is well-known for its superior cutting blades in terms of toughness. They are available in chef and kitchen knives. You can also find them in hairdressing scissors as well as barber shears.

In addition aside, the S3 steel blades also offer the highest quality of hardness, top performance hair scissors that are resistant to corrosion. They are perfect tools for professionals.

11. 56 HRC:

The 56 HRC is a common chromium steel with corrosion, damage, and wear resistance. You can find them in mid-level hair cutting scissors that originate from Japan.

12. 53-56 HRC: Chromium Steel

There are several sub-categories of chromium steel is considered to be low-to mid-level steel. They are available on hair scissors from Europe as well as Germany. When manufacturing entry-level haircutting tools, popular brands such as Jaguar employ Chromium steel.

If you are on a budget, chromium steel scissors is the best option. They are also very affordable. The sharpness quality works well on bevel edged blades.

13. 13.

Similar similar to 4CR13 Similar to 4CR13, the 4CR14MOV stainless steel model is available. They can be found in the majority of mid-level hairdressing scissors because of their popularity.

In addition, they perform well in this area and are well-liked by scissor brands from outside Japan.

14. 52 to 55 HRC 3.CR13

3CR13 is a very popular Chinese stainless steel model. It also has similar properties to the famous 420J2 (AUS4). This is a simple steel used to create average hair cutting scissors. It is recommended not to utilize this kind of thinning shears.

15. 55-57 HRC: 4CR13

The 4CR13 is also known as 40CR13 steel, is a standard-steel variant. It is harder and tougher in comparison to 3CR13 steel. It has greater strength and allows scissor manufacturers to produce sharp bevel and convex cutting blades.

Should you buy the 4CR13 steel scissors? They're as efficient as the majority of mid-priced hair cutting tools. This is another great option to cut hair with minimal expense. an excessive amount.

Canadian scissors highlight the distinction between low-quality steel and high-quality steel.

There is no question that all kinds of scissors are manufactured from stainless steel. But, there are some qualities in steel. This is what differentiates stainless steel from other types. The quality of the stainless-steel is also an important factor in the efficiency of hair scissors.

A high-quality stainless steel hair scissor is a great choice in comparison to a lower-quality hair shear. The general quality of the hairdressing device is determined by the quality of the steel.

The best steel hair scissors to buy is the one made in Japan. The Japanese stainless steel scissors have sharper edges, making it much easier to cut hair with precision. It's ergonomically designed, with an extremely light weight. It doesn't require regular sharpening because of its construction quality.

Whereas, in a low-quality steel scissor, you won't get similar functionalities. A set of high-quality steel scissors is essential for anyone who is a hairdresser, novice or professional. Popular Japanese steels are ATS314, 440C and VGC1 as well as VG10.

Superior quality steel means sharper blades. With hardened premium steel the cutting blades are sharper. This enhances the cutting quality. Japanese shears use convex edge blades. This means that it requires less sharpening due to hard steel.

Good quality steel provides good ergonomics. Not only are cutting tools made of high-quality steel are lightweight but they also feature excellent ergonomics. The best quality steel is typically lighter. This means that there is less stress on your shoulders, elbows and wrists as well as fingers. This is extremely helpful when you are performing haircuts.

A high-quality steel material gives the scissor with a longer life-span - The high-quality Japanese hair scissors are stronger against corrosion, wear, and other issues. As such, these scissors last for a very long time. The typical Japanese scissor's lifespan to be up to 20 years. Furthermore, it can last more depending on how you keep them.

Which countries make the finest scissor steel?

The top hair scissors steel is manufactured in Germany, Japan, China and Japan. Japan makes the finest quality scissor-steel. It is the main reason behind the hype surrounding Japanese haircutting scissors.

Germany is the main producer of high-quality chromium steel. Prominent scissor manufacturers like Jaguar has earned a solid name for itself by offering high-quality hairdressing scissors.

China produces good quality steel in huge amounts. They also can rival Japan and Germany in quality. Moreover, China produces the best steel value at a reasonable price for professionals.

Frequently asked questions about scissor steel

There are many frequently asked questions regarding hair scissors.

1. What scissor-steel is best for me?

The most suitable scissor steel is based on your budget. The best qualities are ATS314, VG10, and V1. But each of these might cost you around $1000. To get the most value for money you can focus on the hardness at around 58 HRC and above.

2. 2. What is the Titanium-steel cutting tool?

Titanium steel scissors can mislead at times. They come as a color coating or a tiny fraction of the fabrication of steel cutting tools. You need to focus on the hardness of the steel scissor to get the best one for your needs.

3. What is the best budget-friendly steel?

If you are on a tight budget, 440C is the ideal steel. Steel scissors with 56 HRC are reasonably priced and have a great performance.

4. How do I select my hair cutting scissors?

The important distinction between scissors that affects performance and price is the quality of the steel. The cost of steel that is of the highest quality is greater. However, the scissors will remain more precise for a longer duration.

5. What do I do to stay away from cheap or fake steel from China or Pakistan?

Pakistan produces the lowest quality hair cutting tools and it is not advisable to purchase them. Chinese steel has a variety of qualities that includes the best and lowest quality. To buy hair scissors online, avoid Amazon, eBay, and Wish. Therefore, focus on reputed websites that offer exchanges and warranty. This will enable you to check the scissors on the market and judge the quality.

6. Which is the most sought-after scissor steel for cutting hair?

The most frequently used steel for making hair scissors is the 440C.

7. Which scissor steel for cutting hair is the best for professionals?

Professionals are drawn to Japanese steel 440C.

8. Which one is the best for apprentices or students?

The 440A is the perfect entry-level haircutting tool.

9. Is there a 100%-titanium hairstylist?

A hairstylist isn't able to use 100 100% titanium. However, there are shears which contain the equivalent of 2-10 percent titanium.

10. What exactly is stainless steel?

It is utilized for all blades of scissor. The stainless steel comes in a variety of forms and the high-quality varieties are quite tough.

11. Which metal is best to use for cutting hair?

VG10 or ATS314 premium stainless steel for hair scissors made in Japan.

12. 12.

The Damascus steel for making hair scissors is merely an idea. It isn't useful for more than 300 year.

13. Are Titanium scissor-steel better than steel?

The blades are stronger and more durable thanks to Titanium. You can find Titanium in the top hair scissors. Furthermore, Titanium blades have great quality, are lightweight and are sharper.

14. What exactly is 6CR steel?

The 6CR13MOV or 6CR steel has the 0.66 carbon added element to the material. It is a good material to create basic hair-cut shears.

15. 15.

The highest quality Chinese steel is the 9CR13MOVCO or 9CR18MOV , or 9CR. It's used to make the finest haircutting and barbering scissors.

16. What is an Titanium coated scissor?

Titanium can be used to style hair shears. It won't increase the sharpness or performance of the hair scissor.

17. Are the hair scissors made of powdered steel worth the investment?

It is a premium metal that results from an exclusive process. So, shears made from this type of metal have more powerful blades, a higher resistance to corrosion and a lighter design. Moreover, the Japanese Takefu VG10 and Hitachi ATS314 are comparable to the shears made from powder steel.

Conclusion: Which scissor-steel do I need to use in USA?

If you are looking to find a high-quality pair for your cutting tools, you should purchase a pair of haircutting or thinning scissors with an HRC of 60 (HRC).

The most commonly used type of professional scissor steel is 440C There are also foreign versions (non-Japanese) from China as well as South Korea that provide you with a more affordable professional cutting experience.

We would like to hear from you about the top hair scissors in USA.